Striving to Thriving



Value & Soul 


Identity & Spirit


Space & Body


Time & Mind 

  • Opinion, self-expression, desires are never for sale
  • No sacrifice is too great for what he values and desires
  • Acts in complete alignment with high self-worth
  • Does not moderate price or stated value, no matter what
  • Will make the ultimate sacrifice
  • Cannot be bargained with
  • This is what I value
  • This is what I will afford
  • I will sacrifice anything for my value, values, worth, desires, self-expression
  • My opinions, beliefs, thoughts, self-expression or choices are not for sale.
  • I am not for sale.
  • I don’t care how much it costs.
  • I value my own words and my own opinions and my own self-expression, no matter what.
  • I do not modulate my self-expression for anybody’s approval or for my security and safety or approval from anyone.
  • I don’t care what someone else thinks.
  • I value my method of self-expression and my words and my opinions.
  • My safety and security comes from me, not from anybody else and what they think of me.
  • Is in high demand
  • Is fully self expressed
  • Cannot be tempted
  • Is highly charismatic
  • Speaks clearly and directly without sugarcoating or being wishy washy
  • Has achieved self mastery
  • Takes full responsibility for making child’s dreams come true
  • Unconcerned with what’s fair or allowed
  • Has a clear vision
  • Makes decisions with ease
  • This is my vision.
  • This is who I am.
  • This is the Truth.
  • This is my decree.
  • Nobody’s actions, or thoughts have any power over my wellbeing, happiness, or sense of self, and identity.
  • I don’t care about what’s fair, because I am the source of my own power and well being.
  • I don’t monitor how other people are behaving, or how they’re treating me compared to others, because it simply has no bearing on my well being at all.
  • I am my own power source, no one else.
  • I take full ownership over my power, and its impact, and therefore I don’t worry about whether others notice, don’t notice, take credit, or not, because it’s not actually possible for them to take from me what I don’t give them.
  • Decisive
  • Authoritative
  • Commanding presence
  • Inspirational
  • Highly respected
  • Nonplussed and undetoured when it appears things aren’t going her way. It’s not about “my” way. It’s about THE way.
  • Speaks clearly and directly without sugarcoating or being wishy washy and without manipulation
  • Indifferent about what’s going on on the outside; sense of self comes completely from within and is not sourced from the outside in any way
  • Because they’re indifferent to what’s going on outside of them, they are naturally confident
  • Dispassionately experiences consequences and ramifications as evidence of the strength or weakness of their decree
  • Protector/enforcer of decrees and boundaries
  • Provides unconditional support for dreams
  • Able to rally support for the cause
  • Keeps his word
  • Makes oaths and keeps them
  • Resourceful
  • Takes a stand for. Fights for.
  • High tolerance for risk.
  • Finds a way.
  • Master of space.
  • Keeps his word, to others and to himself. Makes decisions and sticks to them. This builds up trust, trust from others and trust in himself. Also able to trade on this currency of trust to build powerful alliances. Able to then accelerate change, because he isn’t going back and forth over the same ground.
  • I will do whatever it takes, no matter what.
  • I will.
  • I am master of space and all resources.
  • I create Space with ease.
  • I have all the space I require.
  • I have all the resources I require.
  • I am the source of all my resources.
  • Cash comes from me.
  • This is what I stand for.
  • This is what I am doing.
  • I’m risking it all.
  • I’ve got my back/your back, no matter what.
  • Do not cross this line.
  • I will not cross this line.
  • I am not available for…
  • Willful. Stubborn.
  • Loyal.
  • Physically healthy and powerful
  • Always has plenty of resources
  • Feels and is seen as powerful.
  • Has and loves own space/plenty of space
  • Is rich
  • Master of what is and therefore of what will be
  • Sees through illusion and chaos
  • Takes responsibility for what is (knows he created it) and can therefore create what “is not”
  • Completely willing to appear foolish or do things that “make no sense” to himself or anyone else (because he knows this is what creates magic)
  • Not concerned with being or appearing “responsible” and therefore able to be truly response-able
  • Does not need proof, certainty, evidence, plans, maps, reason or time in order to act
  • Knows what he knows and knows that he knows what he knows
  • Understands the “clues” hidden in “reality.” Alert to the hidden meaning.
  • Has mastered the rules and laws and can break them to create magic.
  • Has learned how to energetically “fly.” Is not weighed down by the prevailing illusions of consciousness and beliefs about “reality”
  • Light hearted.
  • Delightful sense of humor. Does not take life too seriously.
  • Doesn’t need everything spelled out and therefore able to cast spells
  • Knows magic is in the both/and
  • Creates Time
  • Always a lightness and lightheartedness to everything. This doesn’t mean downplaying the import of a situation. It means coming to situations with the precise balance of gravity and light, of weight and weightlessness, of seriousness and humor. This is what makes magic.
  • I know what I know
  • I know that I know what I know
  • This is what will be
  • I am Master of Time. Time comes from me.
  • I am certain.
  • This happens now.
  • I don’t care how silly/foolish/irresponsible this looks/feels
  • I don’t have to see how it will all work out
  • This is my message. This is what I have to say. I know exactly what to say and exactly when to say it.
  • Is certain
  • Grounded and graceful
  • Controlled with precision and grace
  • Brings creations to completion
  • Lives a magical, blessed life
  • Anxiety-free
  • Mentally healthy and powerful
  • wonder (not worry) is your natural state
  • You have ’amnesia” because there’s no content in your mind; your mind is an open, empty channel for the superconscious to drop content in and through, in and through, in and through, in and through

Love, Desire, Value/s, Worth, Sacrifice

Vision, Identity, Decree, Dreams

Vision, IdentityBoundaries, Will, Support, Limit,Resources,Space

Reality, Knowing, Time, Certainty, Intuition, Magic


Value & Soul 


Identity & Spirit


Space & Body


Time & Mind 

  • Sells Soul for cheap. Compromises truth, values, value, desires, self-expression, opinions, beliefs in exchange for approval of the tribe.
  • Chooses based on what she “can”/”can’t afford” to do/be/have/say/feel/believe
  • No self worth
  • Fears rejection
  • Consumed with belonging
  • Uses sexual energy for influence and gain (most dependable form of approval and acceptance; the lowest common denominator and most widely accepted “currency” in the tribe”)
  • I can’t afford to.
  • How much does it cost?
  • How much do I get in return?
  • What do you think?
  • What will others think?
  • I couldn’t live with myself if I…
  • How much will it cost me to keep the peace?
  • What’s my true passion?
  • What is my purpose?
  • What do I really WANT?
  • Where do I belong?
  • Charming; uses charm to get by, get her way
  • Gets swindled easily
  • Can’t stick to prices
  • Easily tempted
  • Preoccupied with fairness
  • Expects a protected life
  • Looks for permission to make decisions
  • Lies to get her way
  • Wants to dream forever and play and have other people take care of her
  • complain about their situation, throw up their hands, give up easily and just want someone else to fix things.
  • This isn’t fair.
  • I’m not allowed.
  • I should/need to ask/check with someone first.
  • Am I allowed?
  • I need permission.
  • I had a dream once upon a time.
  • Who am I?
  • Who do you need me to be?
  • Lies
  • Is sneaky
  • Is manipulative
  • Is entitled
  • Is spoiled
  • Taker/mooch
  • Expects gifts, favors and preferential treatment
  • Pouts and throws a tantrum when she doesn’t get her way. Is all about having it “MY way.”
  • Throws a tantrum b/c really looking for someone to come in, establish discipline and lay down the law; is undisciplined
  • Is easily knocked off center
  • Doesn’t speak up for self and instead drops clues and hints and expects to be taken seriously and heard/seen
  • Blurts things out but mistakes the outburst as carrying authority when really it’s all shadow and full of messy emotion
  • Wants something for nothing (power but not the responsibility; wants thing to be fair but also wants to be favored)
  • Overcorrects in an attempt to gain power; doesn’t actually feel powerful so exerts arbitrary decrees in an attempt to display and therefore believe they have power
  • Sense of self wavers and is conditional b/c is based on mimicry and comparison
  • Defines consequences and ramifications as “punishment”
  • Rides on the coat tails of someone else’s inheritance and genius
  • Identity is linked to someone in authority
  • Two-faced
  • “that’s not like me. I don’t do that”
  • Preoccupied with justice
  • Focused on the possible or impending disaster, drama or crisis
  • Doesn’t set boundaries OR boundaries are extremely rigid and unyielding
  • Has no support. Can’t get any support. Keeps losing support and experiencing betrayals and “mutiny.”
  • Risk averse.
  • Weak-willed
  • Issues with being inconvenienced or being “too inconveniencing.”
  • Issue with being pushed around or being “too pushy”
  • Gets called/feels like a doormat or treats others like a doormat
  • Life feels heavy
  • Issues with being a burden. Doesn’t want to burden others.
  • Is always “bearing the brunt” of a situation
  • Always “takes the fall” for others
  • Is overbearing, Always looks for a scapegoat. Someone or something to blame; to “take the fall” or “take the hit”
  • Is always getting wrongly accused
  • Is angry/full of rage OR seems to always attract lots of anger and rage from others “without provocation”
  • competes for who is in the most pain, has the biggest crisis, is making the biggest sacrifice.
  • Doesn’t keep her word. Makes decisions and then breaks and changes them constantly. No powerful alliances, internal or external, are possible. Therefore not able to trade on the currency of trust. Therefore cannot create powerful or lasting change because cannot trust her own word and neither can anyone else.
  • I don’t want to be a burden.
  • That’s inconvenient.
  • I don’t want to inconvenience you/them/us/myself
  • I would, but look what might happen/what happened last time
  • Where’s the justice?
  • Where’s my help?
  • Why me?
  • What If?
  • Why am I always alone?
  • I never get what I want
  • I would, but somebody needs me/is in a crisis
  • If I don’t do this, everything will all fall apart
  • I can never get a break
  • When will it all end so I can rest?
  • I have to do it alone. Why do I always have to do it alone?
  • I give up.
  • Look what they did/are doing to me.
  • Is codependent
  • Catastrophizes
  • Is heavy/overweight (carrying too much weight)
  • Is underweight (can’t carry her own weight)
  • Accident prone
  • Always or easily sick/physically weak
  • Spaces, house, things, always getting lost, robbed, broken, ruined
  • Always in a physical crisis
  • Someone close is always in crisis
  • Surrounded by drama or crisis
  • Is alone/lonely
  • Passive aggressive
  • aggressive
  • involuntarily empathic; makes excuses for empathy (“I’m just wired this way”)
  • Afraid of consequences and ramifications
  • when people close to you are in crisis, you are in crisis; when their life is a mess, your life is a mess. Or vice versa. Their life is a mess and yours suddenly is peaceful. And then when yours is a mess theirs is peaceful.
  • Feels taken advantage of
  • Gives excuses and reasons why not
  • Focuses on what is (vs what could be)
  • Does not take responsibility (shrugs off her power)
  • Consumed with being and appearing responsible and therefore paralyzed and unable to be response-able to the moment
  • Needs proof, certainty, evidence, reasons, plans, maps
  • Consumed with doubt
  • Powerless over Time
  • Lacks inspiration; is blocked or bored
  • Cannot see clearly; cannot see through chaos or illusion
  • Clueless
  • Flaky and unaware
  • Indiscriminately rebellious
  • Arbitrary Rule-breaker
  • Grave. Serious.
  • Takes self and others too seriously.
  • Unmoored, so unable to be rooted in Truth because constantly rebelling against the Truth-roots
  • Mired in either/or
  • Always a gravity and a weight or weightiness to everything
  • I don’t know
  • I can’t see
  • I can’t see the way
  • It makes no sense
  • This is foolish/irresponsible
  • I need more time
  • I’ll do it later. Someday.
  • I need more evidence, proof, knowledge, understanding, training, certification
  • I don’t have enough time.
  • I’m out of time.
  • There’s never enough time.
  • I’m bored.
  • I’m blocked.
  • I have no idea
  • No one understands me
  • I don’t know what to say
  • Mentally unstable
  • Very intellectually bright
  • Highly logical
  • Mentally ill
  • Mind has a “mind of its own”
  • Depressed
  • Anxious/worried
  • Always late/hurried
  • Cynical/pessimistic (but says is being simply realistic)
  • Gets mired in analysis paralysis
  • Perfectionist
  • Accused of being arrogant, judgmental know it all
  • Wants everything spelled out
  • Forgetful.
  • Flaky
  • Flighty
  • Unmoored
  • Unhinged
  • Uncontrollable/Out of control
  • Unable to complete anything/bring creations to completion
  • Barren
  • worry (not wonder) is your natural state
  • Constantly weighing situations.
  • Applying and placing content into your mind and therefore weighing down your mind and your consciousness with content.
  • Places an extremely high value on having a good memory and remembering

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